Recruitment TargetGraduate Schools / All Faculties and Departments
Universities / All Faculties and Departments
Vocational Schools / 4-year Programs
Technical Colleges / Specialized Course Students
Recruitment PositionsVarious System Engineers (Network / Cloud / Security / Applications)
Starting SalaryGraduates from Universities / Technical Colleges: ¥227,000
Graduates from Graduate Schools: ¥251,000 *Results for the fiscal year 2022
AllowanceOvertime Allowance, Commuting Allowance (full amount), Qualification Support, Condolence and Congratulations Allowance
Salary RevisionOnce a year (April)
BonusesTwice a year (June, December)
Work Location:
Work LocationHead Office (Tokyo)
Working Hours9:00 to 18:00 (Head Office), 8 hours and 00 minutes of actual work
*Starting and ending times may vary depending on the work location.
*Combination of in-office and telework available.
*Super Flextime system available.
HolidaysCompletely 2 days off per week (Saturdays, Sundays), Holidays, Year-end and New Year holidays (December 30th to January 3rd), Labor Day (May 1st)
*Total annual holidays: 122 days (Results for fiscal year 2021)
LeavePaid Annual Leave
Paid Annual LeaveVarious insurances (Employment, Workers’ Compensation, Health, Nursing, Welfare Pension)
Education SystemNew Employee Training, On-the-Job Training (OJT), Job-specific / Hierarchical Training, Language Training, Qualification Acquisition Support