Regarding the information we ask from customers using the site:

This site is operated for the purpose of providing information about FIRST DEVELOP Co., Ltd. When using this site, we may collect and use personal information for the following purposes:

  • To respond to inquiries and provide answers

Please be aware that the information we collect may be provided to third parties for the purpose of directly responding to you and arranging for delivery.

(1) Purpose of providing to third parties:
a. We may disclose the personal information provided to us by the customer for the above-mentioned purposes with the customer’s consent. However, we will not provide it to third parties without the customer’s consent, except in cases b and c below.
b. When requested by a court or other public authority based on legal regulations, etc.
c. When it is necessary for the protection of the rights, property, safety, etc. of the customer or our company

(2) Items of personal information:
Name, Company name, Department name, Position, Address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address

(3) Means or methods of providing:

  • Delivery via the internet
  • Providing in writing or through other media

(4) Recipient:
Designated by our company

(5) Agreement on the handling of personal information with the recipient:
Our company has concluded an agreement with the recipient regarding the handling of personal information.

Please note that if you do not provide accurate personal information, we may not be able to respond to inquiries, etc.

Guarantee and Limitation of Liability:
The use of this site is at the customer’s own risk. We do not assume any responsibility for any damages caused by the use of various information obtained from this site or from other sites linked to this site.

Applicable Law:
This site is under the management of FIRST DEVELOP Co., Ltd.

While it is possible to access this site from various countries around the world with different laws, both the person who accessed this site and our company agree to be bound by the laws of Japan and the ordinances of Tokyo, regardless of the differences in legal principles, in relation to the use of this site.

Furthermore, we do not make any descriptions or displays regarding whether the content of this site is appropriate for the environment of the person who accessed it. Access to this site is at the free will of the person who accessed it, and the responsibility for the use of this site lies with the person who accessed it.